Passenger. | Ambient Generative Tape Reel to Reel Half Speed | Digitakt & Nagra IV-L.

Описание к видео Passenger. | Ambient Generative Tape Reel to Reel Half Speed | Digitakt & Nagra IV-L.

#ambientmusic #reeltoreel #digitakt #ambientdrone #lofi #soundscape #generative #dawless

This dawless piece consists of some unsynced phrases of different lengths being played on the Digitakt without the sequencer, allowing them to ebb and swell around each other creating new melodies each time. This was recorded directly onto the Nagra IV-L reel to reel and was purposely played at a higher tempo and pitch so that the Nagra could be knocked down to play at half speed. This then goes into Fairfield Circuitry's Shallow Water, Pigtronix's Echolution 3 and into Eventide's Blackhole.

Be good to one another,



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