WENCESLAS BIBLE - Browsing Facsimile Editions (4K / UHD)

Описание к видео WENCESLAS BIBLE - Browsing Facsimile Editions (4K / UHD)

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Contrary to popular belief, the Bible printed by Johannes Gutenberg was not the first German-language Bible. In fact, the Wenceslas Bible predates it by almost 150 years. The massive, multi-volume Bible was made in Prague at the behest of King Wenceslas I of Bohemia between 1390 and 1400 and is considered to be a primary work of medieval #illumination. Aside from the important German translation of the Bible, the #manuscript contains some of the finest illumination in art history including 646 miniatures and endless marginal depictions with entertaining and humorous drolleries. This magnum opus is housed today among the splendid collections of the Austrian National Library.

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