「牽手762的約定」阿里山林鐵DL-34機關車台英交流大使 A story that passes through 9971KM

Описание к видео 「牽手762的約定」阿里山林鐵DL-34機關車台英交流大使 A story that passes through 9971KM

From 762mm to 9971 km
DL-34 Setting off to Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway Press Conference

帶著滿滿的祝福,臺灣的老火車頭即將航向國際。阿里山林業鐵路於2017年9月27日與英國威爾普蘭菲爾鐵路(Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway)締結姊妹鐵路後,在其代表、也是前英國在台辦事處處長麥瑞禮(Michael Reilly)牽線下,展開一系列交流;並在籌備多時之後,今(23)日歡送DL-34機關車飛越9,971公里赴英,化身交流大使,傳遞百年林鐵職人的守護精神,讓姊妹鐵路友誼繼續邁進。


威爾普蘭菲爾鐵路和阿里山林業鐵路皆採用762 mm的窄軌軌距,同樣有急彎與陡坡,在運輸歷史上,則分別從農產品運輸與木材運送轉為觀光旅遊運輸。相距千里,卻猶如雙胞胎般擁有諸多共通點,促成本次DL-34柴油機車出借計畫的開端。自阿里山林業鐵路與英國威爾普蘭菲爾鐵路締結為姊妹鐵路以來,基於雙邊互惠原則,持續推展以資訊網頁互聯、旅遊文宣互通、旅客憑票互惠及營運技術互助等面向交流,並藉由雙方互訪、網路行銷及資訊共享等維繫情誼。



From 762mm to 9971 km
DL-34 Setting off to Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway Press Conference

The Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway shares the same track gauge(762 mm) with the Alishan Forestry Railway. In common, we also have sharp curves and steep slopes along the line. In terms of operation, they transformed from agricultural products and timber-carrying to tourism transportation. These similarities lead to the connection of the Alishan Forestry Railway and the Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway as sister railways on September 27, 2017.

The Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway proposed to borrow the diesel locomotives from Alishan Forestry Railway in 2018. After the visit of Forestry Bureau to the UK, the possibility of further bilateral exchanges between Taiwan and the UK has been discussed. The idea of promoting Taiwan-UK reciprocal cooperation in leasing DL-34 diesel locomotives has further been confirmed at the Forestry Bureau International Railway Exchange Conference on July 5, 2019.

DL-34 locomotive lending program based on the principle of bilateral reciprocity. It enhanced the promotion of in-depth exchanges such as webpage interconnection, tourism literature exchange, passenger ticket reciprocity and operational technology mutual assistance. It shows the deep sisterly railway friendship between both sides.

After a series of maintenance and inspection by the Forestry Bureau and Ailshan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office, DL-34, as the diplomatic ambassador, will bring the spirit and enthusiasm of the forestry railway onto the international stage. The agreement eventually comes true, and we precious this remarkable moment with the Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway.

The locomotive exchange overcome numerous of difficulties, epidemic issues and loads of barriers. Finally, technical checks have been completed on 22 Nov. The Press Conference for setting off DL-34 to Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway took place on 23 Nov. DL-34 will depart Taiwan on 30 Nov and expected to arrive at the Port of Liverpool on the first day of 2023.

After arriving the UK, DL-34 will conduct a three-month running test and the development of tourism marketing plan for DL-34. We are expecting the commercial run in spring 2023.

出品單位 l

特別感謝 l
嘉義林區管處、威爾普蘭菲爾鐵路(Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway)、麥瑞禮先生(Michael Reilly)

製作單位 l

製作公司 l

影片字幕審稿主編 l
Hugo ven den Berghe


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