心理咨询师金韵蓉(Tammy Liu ):怎样交朋友-HD高清

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我们都是独自来到这个世界上,却不是独自生存在这个世界上。每个人都需要一个伙伴,一个帮手,一个哥们儿或姐们儿,一个气味相投的臭皮匠。虽说不一定要同生共死,需要的时候却可以抱头痛哭。能不能心有灵犀很难说,聊到一起的时候却可以唾沫横飞个把钟头。 因为他们,我们驱散了孤独。因为他们,我们永远不会无助, 情感心理专家金韵蓉与你探讨:友情,人生的维他命。曾经在医院从事心理咨询工作十余年,最初为儿童心理和行为治疗;接着是
台湾美容专家、国际芳香疗法远东分会会长,台湾省卫生部心理卫生中心心理治疗师。英语专业翻译。IFA(International Federation of Aromatherapists)国际芳香疗法治疗师学会大中华区首席代表、主任讲师、终身成就会员为多家国际企业举办员工"顾客心理学"、"减压管理"、"潜能开发"以及"表达技巧"的培训课程。[1]
喜欢画画、喜欢旅游、也喜欢追求美的事物,希望借着绘画把在不同国家的生活经验和文化悸动,以自己独特的美感经验和笔触,传送给他人一同分享。拥有扎实的心理学学院教育背景以及十余年的临床心理辅导工作经验,再加上流畅的外语能力,芳香疗法,心理学专业之外另一个潜心研究、安身立命的专业。【文化丝绸之路】We are all alone came to this world, can not live alone in this world. Everyone needs a partner, a helper, a brother or sister, a have the same likes and dislikes the cobbler. Although do not have to live and die together, when necessary, can cry on each other's shoulder. Can the heart have hardly time to chat together, can spittle flying hour. Because of them, we broke up lonely. Because of them, we never helpless, experts to explore emotional Jin Yunrong with you: friendship, life of vitamin. Once engaged in psychological counseling work for more than ten years in the hospital, initially for the children's psychological and behavioral therapy; thenAdolescent school counseling; finally, full-time marriage.After leaving psychological consulting work, to study and psychological treatment, relating to the field of art therapy. All involve visual treatment of color psychology, and hearing music therapy on the treatment, and the betting all heart, smell -- aromatherapy treatment and decided to settle down, she is the specialty of applied psychology to better conversion in the daily life.Taiwan beauty experts, international aromatherapy Far East Branch of the Ministry of health, Taiwan provincial mental health center of psychotherapists. Translation of English majors. IFA ( International Federation of Aromatherapists ) International Society of aromatherapy therapists Greater China chief representative, lecturer, director of lifetime achievement membership for a number of international companies to hold employees " consumer psychology ", " stress management ", " development " and " presentation skills " training course. [1]Like painting, like tourism, like the pursuit of beauty, hope by painting in different life experience and cultural shock, with their unique aesthetic experience and strokes, transfer to others to share. Have a solid school psychology education background and more than 10 years of clinical psychological counselling work experience, coupled with the fluent foreign language ability, aromatherapy, professional psychology another painstaking research, their professional.


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