From Original Inventor of Dry Electrode Coating: Activated Dry Electrode™ Process

Описание к видео From Original Inventor of Dry Electrode Coating: Activated Dry Electrode™ Process

#electrodes are at the core of multiple #technologies : #supercapacitor, #lithiumionbattery, and #solidstate battery.
Industry standard, wet coating, is capital- and energy-intensive, and has significant adverse impacts on the #environment , public health, and safety due to its reliance on the highly toxic NMP solvent.
LICAP’ patented Activated Dry Electrode™ process has significant advantages to the traditional wet coating. We begin by processing a blend of #battery materials and add a proprietary compound to activate the binder. The mixture is fed into a special equipment designed by our engineers. The result is a stand-alone electrode film that can be laminated on a current collector foil using our high-speed production equipment. There is no need for drying ovens, or solvent recovery systems. Any trimmings or excess electrode film can be 100% recycled eliminating the costly waste removal operations. Activated Dry Electrode™ process is technology-agnostic and can be used in production of electrodes for lithium-ion battery, solid-state battery, ultracapacitors, and lithium-ion capacitors.


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