SNEEX Unboxing

Описание к видео SNEEX Unboxing

Sara Blakely posted her husband ‪@jesseitzler4‬ 's bananas thrilled reaction to her prototype on Instagram days before announcing her latest endeavor, #Sneex.

In the video, she said something along the lines of "Find a partner who is as excited about what you are doing as you are about what you are doing." And you know how sometimes you hear something and it lodges itself in that part of your neck where your cry hides? Yeah, so that happened.

Though the product she was holding up was blurred out, I knew that whatever it was, I needed it in my life.

So this is a first-ever product review by me, Rachel Swardson, a Minnesota mom. I work in marketing and I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller.



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