Ragga Vs Dumarka iyo Filashada Sareesa | Ep 06 | | Naf Ogaal Podcast

Описание к видео Ragga Vs Dumarka iyo Filashada Sareesa | Ep 06 | | Naf Ogaal Podcast

Lowering expectations can lead to a love that's pure and new......

In the realm of love, let go of expectation's hold,
For high hopes can sometimes leave the heart cold.
Embrace the imperfections, the quirks and flaws,
For true love is built on acceptance without pause.

Lower your expectations, release the need for perfection,
And find joy in the simple moments of affection.
In the ebb and flow of love's unpredictable course,
Let go of unrealistic standards and let love be the force.

Together, in the journey of love's ups and downs,
Embrace each other's true selves with no frowns.
For in the end, it's the bond of two hearts that's true,
Lowering expectations can lead to a love that's pure and new


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