The Gaylor Theory

Описание к видео The Gaylor Theory

The notorious "Gaylor" community, which infamously asserts that acclaimed pop singer Taylor Swift is secretly gay, raises a thousand questions: Why do they believe this? How do they intend to prove it? How has the rest of the world responded? And, perhaps most importantly: Is Taylor Swift Actually Gay?!


00:00:00 (0) intro
00:05:15 (1a) the evidence era
00:17:36 (1b) the me era
00:23:27 (1c) the yntcd era
00:29:19 (1d) the dress era
00:36:09 (1e) the defence era
00:43:48 (2) the opposition era
00:59:00 (3a) the what is gaylor era
01:08:41 (3b) the belief era
01:28:02 (4) the conclusion era
01:37:34 closing



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