Let's Buff the Teutonic Knights using only Unique Techs! | Age of Empire 2

Описание к видео Let's Buff the Teutonic Knights using only Unique Techs! | Age of Empire 2

Hello guys, let's do something fun today. We will try to buff the Teutonic knight with existing bonuses form the game so we are going to use the editor but only to add unique techs, nothing more. So first let's take a look at the stats of a post imperial Teutonic knight. It has 100 hp, 21 attack, 13 melee armor and 6 pierce. Now let's find the best civ to to choose before we start adding unique techs.
These are our available options:
First we have the Burmese with +3 attack for infantry units. Celts with fifteen per cent faster movement speed. Japanese with faster thirty three attack speed.. The Romans with double effect from blacksmiths although lacking plate mail armor. Sicilians with thirty three percent less bonus damage and more resistance to conversion. And the Vikings with plus twenty percent more hit points.
More on the video!

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