HSC by BSM treble booster

Описание к видео HSC by BSM treble booster

This is my second post for all guitarist's seeking tone.
PLEASE press the HQ BUTTON for better SOUND QUALITY.
The convertion from .wav to .mp3 caused some ruble in the low frequenties wich is not on the "master tape".
If you like 70's guitarists like Blackmore, Page, Clapton, May, Gilmore and so on but never nailed the tone you should consider buying or trying a treblebooster on your tube-amp. This in my opinion does the trick.
I've been raised with all kinds of distortion pedals and master-amps and got a proper sound out of marshall amps, but these trebleboosters ...man....
I had the chance to record 4 different pedals from BSM, a German company that specialises in boosters of all kinds.
Check there website www.trebleboosters.net.
I aint getting paid by them but i just love there products and allways got feedback on my questions from the head of the company, mr. Bernd C. Meiser.

The video is pretty boring, but then again it's all about tone.
Whether you like to soud like Blackmore, May, Gilmor the key is a good treblebooster.

Feel free to make a comment.

Greets Leon van der Meer


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