Fermi Gas Model of Nucleus

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Fermi Gas Model assumes the Nucleus to behave as a fermi gas. What is a Fermi Gas?
Fermi Gas is collection of non interacting fermions inside a potential well. Fermions are quantum particles like electrons, protons, neutrons etc that follow the Pauli's Exclusion Principle. No two fermions can have the same quantum state in a given system.
Why Gas? Gaseous system usual refers to free moving particles that rarely interact with its nearest neighbors, as opposed to solid particles that experience heavy interaction with its neighbors. In this model the nucleus is assumed to consist of particles that rarely interact with its neighbors, and mostly interact with a general Potential Field. The general potential field is replicated by a finite 3D Square well potential.

Following are the Assumptions of the Fermi Gas Model of the Nucleus:
1) The Nuclear Potential is approximated by a 3D Finite Square Well Potential.
2) Since Neutrons and Protons are distinct particles, the potential for both will be distinct.
3) Since both Neutrons and Protons are fermions, each distinct Energy level will be occupied by two of each type of particles of opposite spin.
4) When two nucleons moving inside the nucleus collide, they will exchange each other's quantum states. This will effectively change nothing as both particles are identical. That's why the particles can in effect be assumed to move freely without any interaction with each other.
Success of Fermi Gas Model of Nucleus:
1) It explains why nucleons inside the nucleus exist in quantised energy levels.
2) It explains pairing of nucleon particles. It also explain why Even-Even nuclei are more stable compared to Even/Odd nuclei, which again is more stable compared to Odd-Odd nuclei.
3) It can calculate the potential depth of both neutrons and protons in a nucleus.
3) It explains by Beta Decay happen. Unstable nuclei have uneven Highest Energy levels. This opens up the possibility of beta decay in which a neutron can get converted to a proton or vice versa.

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Image Attribution :
1) Gas, Solid -
Yelod - Wikimedia Commons * Yelod - Wikipedia (En) *[CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)], from Wikimedia Commons
2) Nucleus -
Marekich [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)], from Wikimedia Commons
3) Liquid Drop Model
Daniel FR [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)], via Wikimedia Commons


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