Chapter 12 # Nutrition| Digestion in Ameoba | 11th Class Biology| Vision Academy|

Описание к видео Chapter 12 # Nutrition| Digestion in Ameoba | 11th Class Biology| Vision Academy|

Digestion in Amoeba!

Amoeba is a single-celled organism that belongs to the kingdom Protista. It has a unique digestive system that involves the engulfment and digestion of food particles.

Overview of the Digestive System

The digestive system of Amoeba consists of:

1. _Cell Membrane_: The cell membrane is semi-permeable and allows the entry of food particles.
2. _Pseudopodia_: Pseudopodia are temporary extensions of the cell membrane that help to engulf food particles.
3. _Food Vacuole_: The food vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle that contains the engulfed food particles.
4. _Lysosomes_: Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles that contain digestive enzymes.
5. _Cytoplasm_: The cytoplasm is the site of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Digestive Processes

1. _Phagocytosis_: Amoeba engulfs food particles through a process called phagocytosis.
2. _Formation of Food Vacuole_: The engulfed food particles are enclosed in a membrane-bound organelle called the food vacuole.
3. _Digestion_: Digestive enzymes from the lysosomes break down the food particles into smaller molecules.
4. _Absorption_: The broken-down nutrients are absorbed into the cytoplasm.
5. _Egestion_: The undigested waste is eliminated from the cell through a process called egestion.

Unique Features of Amoeba Digestion

1. _Holozoic Nutrition_: Amoeba is an example of holozoic nutrition, where the organism engulfs and digests solid food particles.
2. _Intracellular Digestion_: Digestion takes place within the cell, in the food vacuole.
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