Follow-UP: Why Timber Harvesting Should Become Obsolete! A Cannabis Crone Minipod.

Описание к видео Follow-UP: Why Timber Harvesting Should Become Obsolete! A Cannabis Crone Minipod.

Opponents to environmental and atmospheric protections such as "The Green New Deal", are failing to realize the severity of our precarious situation upon this planet due to extreme climate change.
We can no longer afford to do "business as usual" when it comes to the illusion of "resource management" among our wild spaces.
Most reputable scientists agree that we are closer than ever to our own species' extinction.
At this time in history, we need all of the forests that have survived us thus far to continue surviving, intact!
We need every tree on this planet growing older so they can filter and absorb significant enough amounts of carbon from the atmosphere, thereby helping to mitigate some of the more severe effects of climate change.
The time for fossil fuels and logging is over. Much like the horse and buggy, or the steam engine, we have moved beyond the need for gas and oil. All that stands in the way of our ability to relegate a dying industry to becoming a part of our past is the very (bloated and addictive) industry itself...and the lengths, both financial and political- it will go to keep its own investors fat and happy at our expense.
But alas, Greed has the ability of self preservation.
Hemp based products can be used as suitable replacements for wood in every way, including (but not limited to) furniture, toothpicks, construction & building materials. And growing hemp in an area redeems the soil, and is the only plant to take radiation out of the dirt, thus renewing some of our more lifeless farmlands with richer, healthier places to grow. Hemp can undo the damage Monsanto does on agriculture.
Bamboo is fast growing and can also be used to make things like toilet paper and furniture. The point is, if we as a nation wanted to stop destroying our forests and trees, we certainly have alternatives to invest in so we no longer have the need to pretend sustainable harvesting is even a thing.
If we really want to save our environment, we need to reaffirm our attachment...and saving and protecting our Earth Mother.
Please check out some of this basic information, and then dig deeper...and keep on digging! Remember also that Google and Bing advertise big business first and foremost, so the first couple of pages are usually biased or at least slanted toward the corporate way of thinking.
Go beyond.
The health and well being of our Planet directly affects our own survival.

The link below is to a documentary on how quickly nature and her creatures can heal from horrible radioactive devastation, in mere long as man isn't there to interfere. It also destroys another myth that DNR officials perpetuate among hunters about high density wolf populations bringing down the number of game animals in an area. When wolves are healthy and thriving, so too is the entire environment!
   • Wolves in Chernobyl Wild  Animals Doc...  



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