"From Mind to Heart: The Journey of Kundalini Awakening"

Описание к видео "From Mind to Heart: The Journey of Kundalini Awakening"

The Heart Chakra is the first Chakra of Non-Duality. When the Kundalini enters it, we awaken to the present moment, shifting our awareness from the mind to the heart. Initially, this transcendental awareness feels profound, but we adapt over time. If the Kundalini rises only to the Heart Chakra and not higher, it may fall back to the Muladhara until it ascends again, ultimately piercing the higher Chakras to complete the awakening process.

A full Kundalini awakening, when energy reaches the Sahasrara, maximizes our toroidal field, expanding consciousness and transforming mind, body, and soul. This transformation affects both the heart and brain, as they work together to maintain consciousness. The brain activates, awakening dormant areas and enhancing its function. This process can feel like an expansion, accompanied by sensations of transparency and weightlessness.

Heart expansions occur when intense bliss and love flow into the heart, although this is usually gradual, as the lower Chakras need cleansing first. A spontaneous Kundalini awakening can facilitate this purging, allowing spiritual energy to settle in the heart over time.


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