Описание к видео CSUF WEEK IN THE LIFE 2021 - QUARANTINE EDITION / College Youtube Series

Welcome back to the "College Youtube Series!"

I'm a second year college student now at Cal State Fullerton! Time is flying by so fast. This year, I spent both my Fall '20 semester and my Spring '21 semester online due to the pandemic.

It's been about a year since I've uploaded the Spring '20 "Quarantine Day In My Life," as a first year, so I thought I'd continue the trend and show you guys a Spring '21 "Week In My Life" as a second year student still living at home and undergoing online learning.

This "Week In My Life" was definitely more difficult than I thought it would be, I realized that I decided to film this week during our first midterm week. Most of this video is lots of studying and doing assignments, but hey, that's honestly how life has been like as we're still in the pandemic.

Some updates for you all:
◯ First and foremost, I'm a second year now!
◯ I've gotten the vaccine and I hope to return back to campus for Fall '21! However, everything still stays tentative as it truly depends on the plans that Cal State Fullerton has for reopening.
◯ I've picked up a minor! I am currently a Biology major with a minor in Business Marketing! Unfortunately, I got waitlisted for my prerequisite class to start this minor this semester, however, I plan to take some online summer courses to begin and I can't wait!
◯ As of this semester, I've finished my GE requirements! I was able to tackle taking several GE classes this past Winter at a local CC last winter which definitely allowed me to speed up the process. I am now focusing on my Biology major upper division courses.
◯ I got a job! It is my first year as a working-student and it's definitely something I could handle this year and hopefully for my future years at CSUF. I completely love my job and it definitely gives me the experience I need when applying for grad school.

I hope you guys enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed filming it for you all! Let me know if you guys have any suggestions for videos to add to this "College Youtube Series!"

Thank you once again for all the love and support for this series and for my videos, I genuinely appreciate it!

S O C I A L S:
INSTAGRAM: @christineesyy
TWITTER: @christineesyy
TIKTOK: @christineesyy

M U S I C:
   / @gcbeats  


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