Polaris TR36P Set Up and Installation Video (Polaris 360 also)

Описание к видео Polaris TR36P Set Up and Installation Video (Polaris 360 also)

The Polaris TR36P is a great return side cleaner and the set up is fairly easy for most pools. Like it's sister cleaner the Polaris 360 the set up needs to be fined tuned for each specific pool. There are a few requirements for the installation which I will cover in this article.

First, the TR36P and the Polaris 360 are non-booster pump type pressure cleaners. If you have a booster pump and a dedicated line you will need to use a Polaris 280, 380 or 3900 Sport. The TR36P will not work on a booster pump as there is just too much water pressure. The TR36P and Polaris 360 both work off of your pool's existing 1 1/2” return lines.

This is the second thing that you need for the correct installation, 1 1/2” threaded return lines. They do sell a stub pipe connection kit but it is best if your pool has threaded return lines. The kit is known as: Zodiac 9-100-8003 1-1/2-Inch Stub Pipe Connection Replacement Kit. The majority of pools constructed have these 1 1/2” threaded return jets installed during construction.

The cleaner also works best if you have at least a ¾ hp pump and a full size pool filter. Basically it requires substantial water flow to operate correctly. If the water flow is too weak the cleaner will not move well in the pool. In contrast, when the water pressure is good the cleaner will work exceptionally well.

Usually a pool will have two or more return jets. If you have an attached spa a bypass valve is also installed so that the spa gets some return flow. For proper installation you will have to restrict or close off some of the return jets. This will allow for the return jet where the TR36P is connected at to get maximum flow. The smaller eyeball jets work well and they sell various sizes online and at your local pool store. Generally I find that you also need to completely plug off at least one return line with a 1 1/2” threaded plug.

Return jet configurations can be strange and the TR36P works best from a jet nearer the center of the pool. Sometimes the builder doesn't put any jets in the middle so find the one closest to the middle of the pool and connect the cleaner there. In the video I did have one in the middle but it was right were the spa is elevated. I could still reach it and it was in the pools center so it was the ideal location. I have One Polaris 360 installed at a return jet close to the shallow end as there were no return jets anywhere near the middle. I just had to add a hose section to that cleaner.

Once you find the location to connect the cleaner, stretch it to the furthest point and adjust the hose length. For proper operation the hose should stick out of the pool 6 inches at the furthest point. Too much hose and it may get hung up in certain areas in the pool. Too little hose and it will not get full coverage. I show you how to adjust the hose in detail in the video.

The cleaner is shipped with an attached pressure check device. Once connected this will allow you to judge if there is enough flow or if you need to restrict more return jets. In my case I had to restrict one more jet because the spa bypass was using quite a bit of the return flow. Each pool is a little different so use this pressure check to fine tune the set up at your pool.

Once everything is connected the last thing to check is the wheel RPM – wheel revolution per minute. Basically how many times the wheel passes a certain mark on the cleaner in one minute. The optimal wheel RPM is 28-32 per minute. If it is below 28 RPM you will need to restrict more of the return jets. If it is above 32 RPM you will have to increase the return to the pool jets and decrease the return to the cleaner.

So the Polaris TR36P and Polaris 360 are not difficult to install. You just need to fine tune the pools return for best results.

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