What Your Face Says? | Face Reading Explained in Simple Way

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What Your Face Says? | Face Reading Explained in Simple Way

Face reading or physiognomy, is an ancient art of analyzing a person’s character based on their facial features. Every facial feature such as narrow eyes, big nose, long chin, thick eyebrows etc. has a psychological meaning. You see, facial features and personality traits such as gifts, and talents go hand in hand. Face reading is more than just learning about a person’s characteristics.

Face reading can also give you a general idea about your fate: past, present, and future. It is possible to actually see how a person’s life will turn out starting from their childhood until their transition just by reading the face! You can also do a face reading to reveal the state of your health. The Taoist monk healers used to read faces in their diagnostic practices. They discovered that since the skin is very thin and delicate on the face, the first signs of any health problems will be revealed in that specific area of the body.

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