Mixed Escape Scales

Описание к видео Mixed Escape Scales

Here's a clip of mixed escape scale playing. Because of the odd numbered note groupings, the pickstroke that needs to switch strings alternates from string to string — first the downstroke, then the upstroke, and so on. This means the pick must actually follow a different escape path during each string change. Not all joints can do this without help from a second joint, but the wrist can, by changing its axis of motion. With wrist technique, the overall form isn't flip-flopping around in an obvious way, so this switching of escapes is almost impossible to see from more than a couple feet away. But it becomes visible in Magnet perspective and in slow motion. What is escape motion? Everyone does it, but it was not part of mainstream guitar teaching before Cracking the Code. Read more about escape motion here: http://troygrady.com/primer/reference...


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