Remix Top Trending Nepali melodious songs playlist 2024 collection. | Nepali aawaz studio.

Описание к видео Remix Top Trending Nepali melodious songs playlist 2024 collection. | Nepali aawaz studio.

**Nepali Aawaz Studio

Nepali Aawaz Studio presents the ultimate **Remix Top Trending Viral Nepali Songs Playlist 2024**, featuring the most-loved and viral tracks of the year. This playlist is a blend of soulful melodies, energetic beats, and timeless classics, reimagined to bring fresh and vibrant vibes. Whether you're in the mood for romance, nostalgia, or celebration, this collection has something for everyone. Tune in to enjoy remixed versions of hits like *Chitthi Bhitra*, *Lakhau Hazarau*, *Kutu Ma Kutu*, and more. Dive into the world of Nepali music and let the rhythms move you!


1. *चिठी भित्र*
A heartfelt remix that captures the essence of love and longing.
**Hashtags**: #ChitthiBhitra #NepaliRemix #NepaliMusic #ViralNepaliSongs #NepaliAawazStudio

2. *लाखौं हजारौं*
An energetic remix to celebrate life and dreams.
**Hashtags**: #LakhauHazarau #RemixHits #NepaliSongs2024 #NepaliPlaylist #TrendingNepali

3. *बतास*
A calming tune remixed with modern beats.
**Hashtags**: #BataasRemix #NepaliClassics #NepaliAawazStudio #NepaliHits

4. *माया*
A romantic ballad with a refreshing remix twist.
**Hashtags**: #MayaRemix #NepaliLoveSongs #NepaliMusic2024

5. *सुनिदेउ*
A song of connection and hope, now remixed for a new vibe.
**Hashtags**: #SunideuRemix #NepaliHits2024 #NepaliViralSongs

6. *कुटु मा कुटु*
The ultimate dance number in a remixed avatar.
**Hashtags**: #KutuMaKutuRemix #NepaliDanceSong #NepaliPartyAnthem

7. *माया लुकी लुकी*
Soft and romantic, perfect for quiet moments.
**Hashtags**: #MayaLukiLuki #NepaliLoveAnthem #NepaliAawazStudio

8. *रुकुम माइकोट*
A folk tune with a modern remix touch.
**Hashtags**: #RukumMaikot #FolkRemix #NepaliTrendingSongs

9. *पान को पात*
Joyful rhythms enhanced with a remix vibe.
**Hashtags**: #PaanKoPaat #NepaliFolkHits #NepaliRemix2024

10. *रेशम फिरिरी*
The classic Nepali anthem with a lively remix.
**Hashtags**: #ReshamFiririRemix #NepaliClassicsRemixed #NepaliAnthem

11. *हवाईजहाज*
Soaring high with upbeat remix tunes.
**Hashtags**: #HawaijahajRemix #NepaliMusicAnthem #ViralNepaliRemix

12. *हतारिन्दै, बतासिन्दै*
A soulful song reimagined with rhythmic beats.
**Hashtags**: #HatarindaiBatasindai #NepaliSoulfulRemix #NepaliAawazStudio

13. *लुकामारी*
Playful and peppy, now remixed for the dance floor.
**Hashtags**: #LukamariRemix #NepaliDanceVibes #ViralNepaliHits

14. *उल्टा पाइलामा*
A nostalgic tune with a remix upgrade.
**Hashtags**: #UltaPailama #NepaliRemixVibes #NepaliTrendingAnthems

15. *पर्खाइ*
Patience rewarded with a soothing remix.
**Hashtags**: #ParkhaiRemix #NepaliLoveTunes #NepaliAawazStudio

16. *नगन्य माया*
Deep emotions combined with remix beats.
**Hashtags**: #NagnyaMaya #NepaliViral2024 #NepaliRemixHits

17. *सस्तो मुटु*
A heartfelt remix for broken hearts.
**Hashtags**: #SastoMutu #NepaliSadSong #NepaliMusicRemix

18. *एक सर्वनाम*
Thought-provoking lyrics with uplifting beats.
**Hashtags**: #EkSarvanam #NepaliSoulfulMusic #NepaliTrendingPlaylist

19. *धैर्य*
A song about resilience, remixed for new energy.
**Hashtags**: #DhairyaRemix #NepaliMotivationalSong #NepaliTrendingRemix

20. *ह्याट्टेरी*
A quirky number turned into a remix anthem.
**Hashtags**: #HyatteriRemix #NepaliFunSongs #NepaliPartyHits

21. *आएँ म*
A bold remix for self-expression and identity.
**Hashtags**: #AayeMaRemix #NepaliMusicAnthem #ViralNepaliTracks

22. *टिमी बाहेक केही छैन*
Romantic vibes elevated with remix beats.
**Hashtags**: #TimiBahekRemix #NepaliLoveSongs2024 #NepaliTrendingRemix

23. *उजेली*
Bright and cheerful, remixed for uplifting moods.
**Hashtags**: #UjeliRemix #NepaliSoulfulHits #NepaliAawazStudio

24. *सुन काँचि*
A folk tune turned into a modern remix classic.
**Hashtags**: #SunKanchiRemix #NepaliFolkFusion #ViralRemixNepali

25. *मलाई चान न*
Groovy rhythms in a catchy remix.
**Hashtags**: #MalaiChanNaRemix #NepaliDanceAnthem #NepaliTrendingSongs

26. *घुमि फिरी*
An upbeat remix perfect for long drives.
**Hashtags**: #GhoomiPhiriRemix #NepaliJourneySongs #NepaliRemixVibes

27. *९८४१*
A modern Nepali tune reimagined.
**Hashtags**: #9841Remix #NepaliNewHits #NepaliTrendingPlaylist

28. *नेपाली अङ्ग्रेजी*
Cultural fusion with remix vibes.
**Hashtags**: #NepaliAngrejiRemix #NepaliFusionHits #ViralNepaliTracks

29. *आलु टमाले*
A fun and energetic track with remix beats.
**Hashtags**: #AaluTamaaleRemix #NepaliFunSongs #NepaliPartyHits

30. *मनमा तिमी*
A romantic classic revamped with new beats.
**Hashtags**: #ManmaTimiRemix #NepaliLoveAnthem #NepaliTrendingRemix



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