ListenABLE EP63 - DJ Hookie (Quad amputee from Meningococcal)

Описание к видео ListenABLE EP63 - DJ Hookie (Quad amputee from Meningococcal)

One of the top DJs in Australia is armless!

Tom Nash, aka DJ Hookie, lost all of his limbs due to meningococcal disease 20 years ago and claims that living as a "pirate" since has required throwing yourself into the deep end. Choosing legitimate hooks for prosthetic hands Hookie has welcomed children's inquisitiveness, shunned support networks, and carved himself an unique path in the music industry—even relearning the guitar.

With humour and humility, this episode illustrates what the world has to offer anyone who's willing to put their hooks up!

Follow: @DjHookie and check out

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