V-Carving Photos in Carveco Maker

Описание к видео V-Carving Photos in Carveco Maker

In this Carveco Maker tutorial we will show you how to V-Carve photographs to create a visually stunning effect with very little effort. This tutorial will explain what to do and what not to do in order to get the best result possible and do your photos justice!

00:00 - Introduction
04:10 - Dimensions and Resolution
05:49 - Importing and Image
06:37 - Resizing the Image
09:01 - Setting the Height of the Image
10:40 - Smoothing
11:47 - Resizing the Model
13:55 - Machine Relief Toolpath
14:10 - Finishing Tool
16:55 - Stepover
18:40 - Adding Depth Colour and Material
19:44 - Example of Poor Stepover
21:30 - Machining inside Selected Vectors
23:30 - Saving and Exporting the Design

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