capacitor barcode and qr code scanner app in ionic angular

Описание к видео capacitor barcode and qr code scanner app in ionic angular

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creating a barcode and qr code scanner app using ionic angular and capacitor involves several steps. below is a comprehensive tutorial that covers the entire process, including setting up the ionic project, integrating the capacitor barcode and qr code scanner plugin, and coding the necessary components.

node.js and npm installed
ionic cli installed (`npm install -g @ionic/cli`)
an ionic project already created

step 1: create a new ionic project
if you haven't already created an ionic project, you can do so with the following command:

ionic start barcode-scanner-app blank --type=angular
cd barcode-scanner-app

step 2: install the capacitor community barcode scanner plugin
to scan barcodes and qr codes, you need to install the capacitor community barcode scanner plugin.

npm install @capacitor-community/barcode-scanner
npx cap sync

step 3: setup android/ios
if you are targeting android or ios, ensure you have set up the respective platforms:

ionic build
npx cap add android
npx cap add ios

step 4: update app permissions
for android, you need to add camera permissions in `androidmanifest.xml` located at `android/app/src/main/androidmanifest.xml`:

uses-permission android:name="" /

step 5: create the scanner service
create a service to handle the barcode scanning logic.

ng generate service services/scanner

in `src/app/services/scanner.service.ts`, add the following code:

import { injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { barcodescanner } from '@capacitor-community/barcode-scanner';

providedin: 'root'
export class scannerservice {

constructor() { }

async scanbarcode() {
try {
await barcodescanner.prepare(); // request camera permission
const result = await barcodescanner.startscan(); // start scanning

if (result.hascontent) {
return result.content; // return the scanned content

#Capacitor #QRCodeScanner #numpy
Capacitor barcode scanner
QR code scanner
Ionic Angular app
mobile scanning solution
barcode reader
QR code reader
cross-platform scanning
native barcode scanner
barcode scanning technology
QR code generation
Ionic framework
barcode scanning app
QR code scanning app
real-time scanning
mobile app development


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