How To Install/Run Backup PS4 Games On 6.72 FW! | External HDD/USB Method (Episode 2)

Описание к видео How To Install/Run Backup PS4 Games On 6.72 FW! | External HDD/USB Method (Episode 2)

Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel! For episode 2 for my PlayStation 4 HEN 6.72 exploit series, I'll be covering on how to successfully install/run backup PS4 Games On 6.72 FW via with the use of an External HDD/USB. If you guy's are more interested in more PlayStation 4 6.72 tutorial's be sure to leave a like, & comment down below if you run into any issues!

Best regards, Nagato. 8/22/2020



0:00 - Introduction & Prerequisites
3:37 - PC Setup
4:43 - PS4 Games Based On Firmware via for 6.72
5:55 - Formatting your USB TO EXFAT + Transfer.
9:45 - Verifying That Your On 5.05 or 6.72 FW
10:20 - Enabling MIRA (To run unsigned code)
12:31 - Verifying That Your PKG has successfully installed to your USB/External HDD
14:00 - Installing The Game "PKG" via in Debug Settings
15:33 - Testing if our Game is working!
16:49 - Outro



• This guide is purely for education purposes, and will not go into detail on where to find “free games” however, I will show you on how to successfully install any LEGALLY owned backups via as PKG. I will not providing any links on how to download free PS4 titles, and you can use the internet for that.

• As well I'm already assuming for this guide that you're already on 6.72 FW or lower, and already have Al Azif DNS installed & know the basics on how to intilize the MIRA payload. If your are watching this video and your not fully jailbroken please refer to my "How To Jailbreak Your PS4 On 6.72 Firmware Or Lower! - Enabling HEN/MIRA + Homebrew! (Episode 1)" video. Which will be in the link in the description as well as a pinned comment.

• This video guide is only for users, who are on 6.72 Firmware and LOWER. If your on 5.05 like me this you can update to 6.72 Firmware.

• This exploit works on all mode PS4’s so Original/Slims/Pro models from all region models. (US/EU/JP etc.)

• This method will not allow you to play 6.72+ FW or higher games. Since there is no current method to down-port higher firmware titles.



• Modded PlayStation 4 that is on firmware 6.72 Firmware or lower.
• A PC
• 6.72 Firmware Update.
• Al Azif HEN DNS Servers:
• Al Azif’s DNS Setup (To run MIRA).
• Any Fake Package PS4 Game title that under 6.72 FW.
• USB Stick either formatted to FAT32 or EXFAT - Highly recommend to format EXFAT for this process.


Sources/Download Links:

➤ List of PS4 Games Based On Firmware:

➤ Seagate Portable 2TB External Hard Drive Portable HDD:

➤ KESU 2.5" 500GB External Portable Hard Drive USB 3.0:


★ Featured/Recommend Video's:

➤ PlayStation 4: 6.72 Jailbreak Series Playlist (HEN):    • PlayStation 4: 6.72 Jailbreak Series ...  

➤ How To Jailbreak Your PS4 On 6.72 Firmware Or Lower! - Enabling HEN/MIRA + Homebrew! (Episode 1):    • How To Jailbreak Your PS4 On 6.72 Fir...  


★ Credits & Special Thanks:

➤ Al Azif: DNS Host Webkit Setup.
➤ PS4 Development Scene (Goes to anyone who has worked on this initial jailbreak.)


★ Social Media:

★ Twitter:   / nagatorevenge  
★ Instagram:   / nagatorevengeyt  
★ Team Nagato:   / discord  


#PS4Jailbreak #PS4Hack #PS4Mira #PS4HEN #PS4Modding


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