Elvis Duran Phone Tap 5/26/2022 - Your house rental's canceled. Mario Lopez paid us more! (Rerun)

Описание к видео Elvis Duran Phone Tap 5/26/2022 - Your house rental's canceled. Mario Lopez paid us more! (Rerun)

Elvis Duran Phone Tap 5/26/2022 - Your house rental's canceled. Mario Lopez paid us more! (Rerun)

Danielle plays the role of Erica, an employee from a property management group. She tells our victim Andy that Mario Lopez made a better offer on the house he rented months ago. That means Andy's getting bumped from the rental for the weekend he booked. That party he had planned for himself and 18 people? Canceled! Erica kindly suggests he reschedule his get-together for another weekend. That won't be happening under Andy's watch!

PS: In light of the tragic events that unfolded in Texas earlier this week, the format of the 5/25 show changed, and a phone tap did not air.


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