How to Convert OPC UA to OPC DA

Описание к видео How to Convert OPC UA to OPC DA

OPC UA is the latest protocol from the OPC Foundation. OPC Classic Data Access (OPC DA) is a legacy protocol with a wide user base. Learning how to convert OPC UA to OPC DA with Cogent DataHub software is a good way to integrate these two protocols, and make them available to all of the other supported protocols, like OPC A&E, A&C, MQTT, Modbus, ODBC, and more.

Skkynet provides Cogent DataHub secure-by-design software and services to let you acquire, aggregate, monitor, control visualize, and network live process data in-plant or over insecure external networks. You can isolate control networks from cyber attacks and integrate industrial data under a unified namespace, all without compromising the plant.


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