PROROM: "Serralonga" Trailer HD

Описание к видео PROROM: "Serralonga" Trailer HD

TV Mini-Series

Serrallonga is the history of a bandit who became legend, in a period where the fight to survive was the main worry of some people enslaved by hunger, and in which brigandage was one of the few exits from the misery.

Joan Sala, alias Serrallonga, sees himself forced to escape the law for having committed a crime in self-defence. He joins up with a group of bandits to which his brothers belong and to which an old childhood enemy, Ancient, does not. Serrallonga and Ancient face off; Ancient is imprisoned and enlists in the Spanish army.

Serrallonga, above all, is a rebel. Robberies and assaults lead to the admiration of the people and he becomes known as the King of the Guilleries. He also enjoys the protection of noblemen who see in him the possibility to struggle for their own interests in front of the crown. The legend of Serrallonga grows.

Upon returning to the campaigns in Italy, and seeing what has become of his rival, Ancient finds the viceroy suffering Serrallonga as a provocation. Ancient is named to lead the hunt for Serrallonga. The persecution is relentless. Years of betrayals, traps, ambushes and massacres of all who conceal or sympathize with the bandit pass. At the same time AncientÕs fascination and hatred towards Serrallonga swells.

The noblemen who protected Serrallonga before are now turned against him. Serrallonga's group, pursued to the limit, is dismantled. Serrallonga remains alone and Joanna has to run away to France, where she survives with one of her lovers. When Joanna becomes pregnant, a feeble and tired Serrallonga returns to Catalonia.

His wife, Daisy, is imprisoned and his brothers and friends have been murdered. Serrallonga, considering the fault of those that died for him and seeing that his hour has arrived, gives up itself. He is judged and condemned to death.


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