Nala's Forgotten Cub AU/Xover

Описание к видео Nala's Forgotten Cub AU/Xover

Songs: 1st (Can be searched on Youtube as "Sad Violin" I do not know the artist. 2nd: In Awe of Power from Shadow of Colossus Soundtrack
3rd: Heart of Courage from Shadow of Colossus Soundtrack
4th: A Violent Encounter from Shadow of Colossus Soundtrack
5th: The Opened Way from Shadow of Colossus Soundtrack
(This is my opinion of what happened during the first movie following Nala's movements rather than Simba's)
It's finally done! The Vitani/Nala AU Xover thingie! I've been wanting to do a remake almost minutes after posting the last vid for this simply because it's difficult to understand and crappily made.
This one is one of my better crossovers by far. I tried using different clips to mimic camera angle shifts and I think it worked okay. :D
Anyway, here's the run though on the storyline. Basics first, then detailed as usual.
Basics: The theory is that Vitani is Nala's first cub by Scar who claimed her as his queen. (When he says 'Nala' in the start is from the LK broadway play which is proof to this theory) Zira isn't the queen, but she does have Nuka (not shown) by Scar but he's not an heir because he's weaker and not true born. Zira loves Scar religiously.

Here's the detailed.
00:00-01:18 -- Scar takes Nala as his mate, but Sarabi thinks she's too young to be a mother. (She's not bitching about not being queen anymore, just so you know xD) Scar ignores her and he orders Nala into his den. Baby making/rape goes about. I skipped that part 'cuz I'm not a fan of rape scenes. Nala gives him a daughter and Scar is pissed. He wants a son, and is already ticked because his first son, Nuka, is too weak to be bothered with. Scar swears to kill any more daughters she has, and Nala is furious.
01:19- 1:51 -- Nala gives her cub to Zira because she plans to flee the pridelands to escape Scar's cruelty. The journey to freedom is too much for a cub, and Nala knows Zira would protect any cub of Scar's no matter what. Nala flees and is chased by Scar's hyenas. In her terror she runs straight off a cliff and Scar surrenders the chase, figuring her for dead.
Up to 2:30 follows the original movie.
2:30-3:26 -- Nala goes to assemble the lionesses with news of Simba's return. Half are pleased, and half are skeptical. Zira is furious and talks Scar up and bashes Simba. Nala ignores her and asks to have Vitani returned to her. Zira refuses and before Nala can say anything another (not Kiara) lioness urges Nala to get the cub later because she hears lions roaring. (This scenes is parallel to the scene where Scar just struck Sarabi and Simba bounds down the cliff to help her)
Up to 4:17 follows the original storyline. Sped up because I wanted to express the events happening but not give you the movie over again. 
4:16—5:14 Without knowing that the fighting has already begun and ended Zira gets her followers into a tizzy and leads a war party to Priderock. As they approach Zira sees Simba roaring in victory and is horrified. Below her vantage point she sees a body under a pile of burnt logs and digs out Scar's body. She and her followers are devastated.
5:15-End—As the rain clears Simba sees Zira's party and goes to them. He's surprised but mostly angered that they betrayed the pride and stayed loyal to Scar. Simba declares them all traitors and exiles them and all their cubs. Zira claims Vitani as her rightful cub and Simba banishes her as well. Nala doesn't claim Vitani as hers because that would make her Scar's mate. Simba would have no choice but to banish her. She relinquishes all ties to Scar and her cub and accepts Simba as her only mate.

I hope you guys like it, and that this version makes more sense! The last vid's ending was totally different, but this one makes the most sense in relation to the movie. Thanks for watching!
P.S. I know the dialogue isn't LK like at all, but that's how I talk so it came out that way xD Also, I've been reading Game of Thrones a lot so...things just happen ;D
Same as before, if you've read this far put 'Mother's Love' in your comment :D

Image from 4:58-5:01 found at:


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