Calgary Stampede Showband & Stamped Band of Outriders - Day 10 Steps 2021

Описание к видео Calgary Stampede Showband & Stamped Band of Outriders - Day 10 Steps 2021

This is the final show on the Steps of the Saddledome, which was the major feature of the 2021 band season, since there was little chance for performance with Covid raging accross the world.

The framing was a bit out (high) and my high-def audio did not work out, both for technical reasons. Still it's a nice clear recording and the on-board audio was not bad.

These young performers pulled toghether and amazing bunch of performances, given that they only had about a month of in-person rehersing.. There was a lot of playing instruments into Zoom in the last 18 months.


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