Don’t Take The Interpretation Of Some Order Of Preachers That You Listen Too

Описание к видео Don’t Take The Interpretation Of Some Order Of Preachers That You Listen Too

Don’t Take The Interpretation Of Some Order Of Preachers That You Listen Too

Brother Joseph Branham is the pastor and son and successor of brother William Branham the Seventh Church Age Messenger. These recordings are made from Branham Tabernacle recordings. The church is located in Jeffersonville Indiana, United States of America. You can listen to all the live translated streaming audio services from Sunday September 6, 2015, on the website and Complete recordings are now archived in other foreign languages on Sierra Vista Fellowship on We are committed to giving our Pastor Brother William Marrion Branham #1 place, in our homes, & Message Church pulpits worldwide. The Message, is our Absolute. We encourage you to keep watching for service schedules. If there is no church near you, then make your home a Tape Church! Thank you for visiting us today. Hit the Subscribe button! May the God of our prophet, the Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you till we meet.,,,

53 What a tragedy that that would be, but it’s happened. It’s happened many times. How could it happen? Of course, like it did in other times, by believing man’s interpretation of the Word. That’s what caused it. Those believers in them days, so-called believers, was taking the interpretation of what the priest had said about the Scripture. Therefore Jesus, not belonging to any of their ranks or their societies, He was excommunicated from their company.

54 And, therefore, they could not identify Him with them, because He was different from them. The Person of Jesus Christ was so unique that no one should have missed seeing that that was the Son of God, because He was the perfect identification of the Scripture that was wrote of Him.

55 That’s the way any Christian is known, when his life identifies the very things that’s the Christian is supposed to do.

56 How He could stand there and say, “This day this Scripture is fulfilled right before your eyes!” How outstanding, how so plainly, and yet those people misunderstood. Why? Is because they took the interpretation of some order of priests that they were listening to.

57 And history always repeats itself. And Scripture has a compound meaning to It, and a compound revelation.

65-0219 - "This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled"
Rev. William Marrion Branham


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