Giant Ideas: DeepMind founder Mustafa Suleyman on the coming wave of AI

Описание к видео Giant Ideas: DeepMind founder Mustafa Suleyman on the coming wave of AI

We recorded these first episodes at our live Giant Ideas summit, held at London’s Tate Modern. The Giant Ideas summit brings together 200 founders, CEOs, heads of state and other leaders to explore how we can harness cutting edge technology as a force for good.

Today we bring you our interview with Mustafa Suleyman on the coming wave of AI. Mustafa is right up there as one of the most influential technologists of our time. As the founder of DeepMind - now owned by Google - he created one of the two dominant forces in AI alongside OpenAI. He’s just raised +$1BN for his new company, Inflection AI. And he’s written arguably the most important book of 2023, The Coming Wave which explores the enormous opportunities and risks of the technology he pioneered.

There are some very profound ideas from Mustafa in this conversation. Although he’s clear that AI has the potential for very serious harm - and governments need to hire people who really understand technology - he genuinely believes AI will deliver what he calls an ‘era of radical abundance’. He thinks we’re entering the most productive decades in the history of humanity, with seismically cheaper energy and food.


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