.NET Source Generation Special

Описание к видео .NET Source Generation Special

.NET Source Generation Special

If you are curious or getting into Source Generation, this is the event you are waiting for!
This is a special event, with a combo of two sessions and a ATE (Ask The Experts) with 4 incredible experts on this highly specialized field.

Event link: https://www.meetup.com/dotnet-zurich/...
Slides from "The Source Code Generator Game": https://github.com/stevetalkscode/sou...
GitHub repository of "Never send a human to do a machine's job": https://github.com/Flash0ver/F0-Talks...
Slides: https://github.com/Flash0ver/F0-Talks...

The Source Code Generation Game.
There has been a lot of buzz around the introduction of source code generators in .NET since .NET 5 with Microsoft making use of them for its own code in .NET 6 and .NET 7.
But, how did we get here and what may the future hold?
Starting with the question of "What is code generation?", I present a brief history of my journey into source code generation, starting with the ZX Spectrum (program published in a UK magazine to convert machine code into BASIC DATA statements)
The talk then moves on to do a whistle-stop tour of the various ways that code generation has been attempted in .NET over the last 20 years.
We then look at .NET source code generators -
How they work
Where Microsoft is now using them in .NET 6 and 7
The potential dangers of trusting source generators from unverified sources
To wrap up the talk, we look at how AI is being leveraged to write code for you while you are developing in your IDE

Roslyn Source Generators - Never send a human to do a machine's job
.NET Source Generators are the latest metaprogramming technique to add C# code to your compilation.
They help us automate tedious boilerplate implementations of common patterns, and enable replacing Reflection-based logic with high-performance strongly typed solutions.
Introduced in .NET 5, their capabilities are expanded in .NET 6, which also starts utilizing their power in order to level up well-established scenarios, such as logging and JSON (de)serialization. Additionally, C# 9.0 adds module initializers and extends partial methods to furthermore support code generation.
Not only would I like to show you these language features plus the basic mechanics of adding new sources and reporting diagnostics via (Incremental) Source Generators, but also cover a selection of advanced topics, including unit testing (both the Generator itself and the code it generates), code coverage, mutation testing, benchmarking, and how to use nullable reference types within .NET Standard 2.0 Generator-Projects. As a bonus, I shall deliver a suite of (web) tools to kick-start your journey.

Steve Collins
Freelance software developer based in the South East of the UK
Worthing, United Kingdom
Steve Collins is an independent software developer/architect with over 25 years’ experience in the industry working with Microsoft technologies.
Blog - https://SteveTalksCode.co.uk
Twitter - @SteveTalksCode
Steve is a regular speaker at user groups around the UK and has presented at NDC London and DDD conferences

Stefan Pölz
Clean C# Coder – Test-driven .NET Developer
My passion is to practice Clean Code and test-driven development in order to build maintainable software in an ever-evolving team, supported by tools from the .NET Ecosystem. I love to attend and speak at public developer events and author open source projects, complementing my expertise in professional software development.

Thomas Claudius Huber
Thomas is a Microsoft MVP for WIndows Development and he works as developer and architect in the fields of .NET, C#, TypeScript and Azure. He is a well-known speaker, book and Pluralsight author. Thomas has created the MvvmGen library, which is a lightweight MVVM library for XAML applications that generates ViewModels on-the-fly via a Roslyn-based C# Source Generator.

Michael Staib
Michael is a member of the GraphQL technical steering committee, a Microsoft MVP, and the author of the Hot Chocolate project (https://github.com/ChilliCream/hotcho..., a platform for building GraphQL servers and clients in .NET. This open-source project has been his main focus for the last couple of years.
Apart from his work in the open-source community, Michael works as a consultant to help companies move to GraphQL. You can read about the Hot Chocolate project on his blog https://chillicream.com/blog/.
Follow me on GitHub: https://bit.ly/michaelGitHub
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Subscribe on YouTube: https://youtube.chillicream.com
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