Why CPU? (2022-2023 College Ad)

Описание к видео Why CPU? (2022-2023 College Ad)

Online Pre-Registration Guidelines for SY 2022-2023 Links:
📌Pre-registration for Summer 2022 and First Semester of School Year 2022 – 2023: bit.ly/3K1SjDo
📌Online Admission For Academic Year 2022-2023 (Junior High School and Elementary): https://bit.ly/3KYsfKU
📌 SHS Pre-Registration for SY 2022-2023: bit.ly/3wutMlP
📌College of Engineering Entrance Exam Guidelines: bit.ly/3MG6YGL
📌College of Nursing Admission Process for SY 2022-2023: CLOSED
📌 College of Medicine Application for AY 2022-2023: https://bit.ly/3EzCWRI
📌 College of Medical Laboratory Science Pre-Screening SY 2022-2023: CLOSED


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