Things Only Adults Notice In National Treasure

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2004’s National Treasure wasn’t just a star-studded Disney movie, but it provided a fun adventure for American history buffs as long as they didn't take it too seriously, and kids and adults alike had a good time with it.

Nicolas Cage actually made treasure hunting and cryptology look cool, and while the movie never reached the heights of Indiana Jones, it did provide great entertainment value, action sequences, and stellar acting performances.

National Treasure is definitely worth another watch, especially if you want to get your kids into history. If you do happen to revisit the movie again, here’s what you will notice as an adult.

#NationalTreasure #Movie #Adults

A road trip with Dad | 0:00
Do as I say, not as I do | 1:31
Hacking is easy | 2:58
Easy to steal | 3:51
So many lemons | 4:47
Adjacent changing rooms | 5:55
What's up with the FBI? | 6:57
Trust me to drop you | 8:08
Hiding in the shadows | 9:16

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