How To Play Tak on Playtak

Описание к видео How To Play Tak on Playtak

Tak is an abstract strategy game in the same category as Chess, Checkers, and Go. Tak is an incredibly easy game to learn and play, but its depth is incredible (even more than Chess, at higher levels of play). Take a look at this video and discover a new lifelong hobby.

Object of the Game - 0:07
Carry Limit - 0:46
Standing Stones(Walls) - 1:06
Capstones - 1:40
Winning - 2:28
Common Mistakes - 3:07
Using - 5:54 - This is where all live online Tak games are played.

  / discord   - The Discord Server. This is where you can find other people to play with, find out about tournaments, keep up with the latest Tak news, see homemade boards, discuss strategy, etc. It's really the community hub.

  / tak   - The Tak Subreddit. This is where people post pictures of homemade boards, ask questions of the community, post Tak puzzles every weekday, etc. - PTN Ninja. This is a web application to play asynchronous Tak games, solve puzzles, analyze games, or any number of other Tak activities that aren't live, online play. - The Tak Times. This is a monthly e-magazine of articles about all things Tak; from tournaments to strategy to opinion articles - it has all the Tak news you could ask for. - The U.S. Tak Association. The USTA is a non-profit, member organization dedicated to spreading Tak by supporting club formation and providing opportunities for online and in-person play.

  / simmon_tak   - My Tak Instagram. I post pictures of the daily puzzles from the Ditaktic blog on one of my homemade Tak sets and videos of the solutions every weekday.

   • How to Play Tak   - A "How To Play Tak" video by the game's creator, James Ernest. His video is using a physical board and it's an excellent tutorial.

Tak originated in the fantasy book by Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear. James Ernest, famous game designer, contacted Rothfuss with the idea of making Tak into a real game, as the game in the book had no rules and was only vaguely described as having stones. After a bit of time, Ernest came up with the brilliant game we have today.

Join the community on the Discord and subreddit and find out what makes Tak a beautiful game.

I've also said it before, but I always plan to keep all the videos on this channel ad-free so there are as few barriers to entry for new Tak players as possible. You shouldn't have to sit through ads to see great Tak content, so I'll do that. I do, however, have a Patreon. If you like the content and want to encourage me to keep making it with money, that's the place to do it. I feel weird talking about it, but there are some perks to joining and you can find those out here:   / simmon_tak  


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