ERS Webinar Series 2023: Smell and Taste Disorders: Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcomes

Описание к видео ERS Webinar Series 2023: Smell and Taste Disorders: Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcomes

In this recorded webinar from our society event held on April 20, 2023, esteemed experts discussed various aspects of Smell and Taste Disorders. The session covered topics like diagnosis, conservative management, and surgical interventions.

0:00 - Introduction by Moderator: Wenche Moe Thorstensen
1:47 - Introduction to Olfactory Disorders (prerecorded) - David Liu
19:34 - Conservative Management of Loss of Smell (prerecorded) - Prof. Thomas Hummel
39:23 - Surgery in Olfaction - Basile Landis
1:02:30 - Panel Discussion

Dive into the world of olfactory disorders with our panel of experts, and learn about the latest advances in treatment and management. Don't miss the insightful panel discussion featuring live Q&A. If you found this webinar helpful, please like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more informative sessions.


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