Haruno Floating Green, All Things Reborn,Build a vegetable rack|Delicious garlic white meat搭蔬菜架|蒜泥白肉

Описание к видео Haruno Floating Green, All Things Reborn,Build a vegetable rack|Delicious garlic white meat搭蔬菜架|蒜泥白肉

Spring, the resurrection of the earth, the rebirth of all things. The air is filled with the breath of new life, making people feel infinite vitality.
Busyness also ensued. In order to provide better growing space for the climbing vegetables I will plant in the future, I built a vegetable shelf. It has rained intermittently for many days, making the leaves become more green, and my eyes were healed by just looking at it.
In many moments in life, home-cooked food can always bring us a full sense of happiness. Garlic white meat is undoubtedly a delicious home-cooked dish in my memory. Fresh garlic, minced into garlic paste, blends perfectly with the white meat. The aroma reverberates in the kitchen, like a melody, outlining a beautiful taste picture
春天,大地的復甦,萬物的重生。 空氣中瀰漫著新生的氣息,讓人感受到無限的活力。
忙碌也接踵而至,為了方便日後種的爬藤蔬菜有更好的生長空間,我搭建了一個蔬菜架子。 連續多日斷斷續續下雨,讓樹葉變的更加翠綠,一眼望去,眼睛都被治癒了。
在人生的許多瞬間,家常美食總是能帶給我們滿滿的幸福感。 蒜泥白肉無疑是記憶中美味的一道家常菜,新鮮的大蒜,在剁成蒜泥後,與白肉完美的融合在一起。 香氣在廚房中迴盪,彷彿就是一股旋律,勾勒出美好的味覺畫面
#rurallife #鄉村生活 #chinesefood #美食 #cooking #flowers #growflowers


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