Dutch Schapendoes

Описание к видео Dutch Schapendoes

For numerous centuries the Dutch Schapendoes was utilised by poor illiterate Dutch farmers as a multifunctional herding dog. No wonder that its origin can’t be traced back with any amount of certainty. Nonetheless there are several assumptions as far as it concerns early stages of development of this breed. Some propose that its forebears were ancient Roman dogs, which found their way to the Netherlands through Belgium. Others put forward a theory that this breed descended from a long-haired sheepdog of the Germanic tribes (now-extinct Schafpudel), which inhabited these lands centuries ago.

It’s also believed that the Dutch Schapendoes is a more recent invention and was bred from English herding dogs, which were imported to this region by Dutch wool merchants who actively traded with their English colleges. Although the full truth will never be recovered it’s rather safe to suggest that the breed appeared as the result of repetitive crossings of various herding dogs from across Europe, like the Polish Lowland Sheepdog, the Puli, and the Bergamasco.


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