KP PSC : District Sports Officer 28-02-2023 paper : District Sports Officer KP PSC paper. Part : 02

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KP PSC : District Sports Officer 28-02-2023 paper : District Sports Officer KP PSC paper. Part : 02

Madrassah deoband was extablished at deoband, it is a small town of:
The brach of meteorology in which historic events of climates are studied it is called.
Highest peak in Himalayan mountains range of Pakistan is.
Which of the following is not a power resource.
A psychologist explains to you that learning can be best defined in terms of underlying through processes. What theory is being studed.
First Olympic games were held in.
Which term is commonly used in Badminton and volleyball.
__________ is the national sport of Turkey.
Which of the following is related to ICC trophy.
The instrument used for measuring body composition.
In the performance of an athlete is influenced by coaching, then coaching is an:
The most important consideration in selecting the sports equipment is:
How many medals were won by Pakistan in 22nd commonwealth Games in 2022.
Combat aluminium bat was used by which Australian cricketer first.
A quadrant jump is used to measure.
Which team emerged as the champion of the ICC world test championship 2021.
Who is known as the flying bird of Asia.
The colour, smell and feel of the flowers are relayed through what part the brain.
The ability to overcome resistance is called.
Skill acquisition is mainly depend upon.
Which food has maximum biological value for protein
Which test is a measure of muscular strength.
Contemporary refers to people living in the same
Oblivious means
You ought to inform his next of kin of his critical illness.
It is so much hot today
If I had money, I help him
Unless she works hard, she pass
I am amazed his excellent performance
Walk with care you should fall down
She helped me in my studies.
Orange is a good source of
Chromosomes are found in
All metals are solid except
Who is known as the father of experimental surgery
You as well as I help him.
Deficiency of vitamin D cause
What is one of the most well documented injury prevention measures in sport
Lack of iron causes
Quaid e azam left Indian national congress in
The oldest barrage of Pakistan
Who was civilian chief martial law administrator in Pakistan
Baluchistan acquired the status of province in
Who suggested the title of “Quaid e azam “ for Muhammad ali jinnah

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