How to capsize, t-rescue and roll in a kayak

Описание к видео How to capsize, t-rescue and roll in a kayak

At Birmingham Canoe Club, a common question we get asked by visitors is, "Will I get wet?"

Our priority is safety, so we encourage all visitors and members to do a capsize drill when the feel ready. You will be supported and supervised by a Paddle UK certified instructor. Learning how to exit a boat in the event of a capsize is an essential skill and will keep you safe on the water.

IN this video, our junior member, Lucy, demonstrated capsize drills with and without a spraydeck (a waterproof cover), how to perform a T-rescue and be rescued, and how to do a kayak roll.

Rolling is a technique that requires different skills and practise, and our instructors will help you to develop these skills over weeks and months, at whatever pace is comfortable for you.

Find out more about visiting the club at


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