Poached Seafood with CousCous & Gremolata featuring Adam Swanson

Описание к видео Poached Seafood with CousCous & Gremolata featuring Adam Swanson

Australian Chef and Restaurateur Adam Swanson creates a delicious meal using San Remo CousCous in a one pot dish with snapper, prawns and mussels in part 9 of our exclusive CousCous online recipe series. This series shows just how simple, quick and easy San Remo CousCous is to use making delicious meals suitable for both weekdays and weekends.

Click here for the recipe: http://sanremo.com.au/san-remo-recipe...

We all love to share meals with our family and friends, which is why San Remo would like to share some delicious pasta recipes with you. Simply 'like' the San Remo Facebook page to receive regular recipes from chef and restaurateur Adam Swanson, Michael Weldon, nutritionist Kerry Leech and the Australian Netball Diamonds at www.facebook.com/sanremopasta and for product information and to learn more about San Remo and further recipes visit www.sanremo.com.au

In recipes you may see CousCous, couscous and cous cous. These are all the same ingredient.


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