BEST TIME TO CONCEIVE AFTER PERIODS | Right time to get pregnant- Dr.H S Chandrika | Doctors' Circle

Описание к видео BEST TIME TO CONCEIVE AFTER PERIODS | Right time to get pregnant- Dr.H S Chandrika | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. H S Chandrika | Phone 📞: +919880003953 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist | Chirag Global Hospital, J P Nagar Phase 2, Bangalore, India
A lady who is regularly menstruating, so many times they come and ask me when is the best time to conceive. What I would like to tell you is conception will happen when the ovaries from the females will meet the sperms from the males. So that will usually happen in the genital tract of the female. So what will happen every lady will have cycle of 28 to 30 days. So when we have a cycle of 28 to 30 days, we should know when the egg will get released, because when the egg is there only pregnancy can happen. That is the reason people ask when is the best day to conceive. Biologically what we have studied is usually the eggs gets released about 12 to 14 days before your next menstrual period. So from your next menstrual period date you have to come backwards to 12 to 14 days and that is a time when the eggs will get released. So when you do the Intercourse that time maximum chances of having conception because the time the system will have there and the sperm can come and meet there. One more thing what you have to know is what I tell for my patients is always don't be doing your intercourse in the interest of giving pregnancy. It should be for your happiness. You have your intercourse routinely because when you always calculate your date of maximum fertility and have your intercourse then what happens is if you become a stress for both the male and the female. Because of the stress it can have some side effects for the partners also. So when you are having intercourse frequently naturally it will happen in such a way that the Intercourse happens in a time when the egg is released. So naturally pregnancies can happen. So what I would like to tell you is don't always have calculated intercourse have more frequent intercourse and naturally or fertility will improve. Nowadays both men and women they are working ladies so when both are working you not have time to have proper physical relationship also. So you must always have intimate relationships with the chances of fertility will increase and always don't calculate. This is the time my egg is going to release and I'll have my intercourse. So try to have more frequently so that your fertility will improved and you will have your pregnancy.


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