Reincarnation: Dorothy Eady (Omn Sety)

Описание к видео Reincarnation: Dorothy Eady (Omn Sety)
Reincarnation: Dorothy Eady (Omn Sety)

Dorothy Eady at the age of three, after falling down a flight of stairs, began exhibiting strange behaviors, which later turned out to be her vivid "memories" of her life in ancient Egypt.

While visiting The British Museum, and seeing a photograph of a temple in Egypt, the young Eady called out “There is my home!" The temple was that of Seti I.

She was an Egyptian priestess in a past life and a lover of Seti I.

She understood hieroglyphics and knew things about Ancient Egypt know one could know unless they lived in that time.

She dedicated her life to Egyptian studies and all her discoveries and claims came to be true.

Do you believe in reincarnation?

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