Baby Time at the Red Rili Shrimp Nursery! Pregnant Females and just hatched baby Neocaridina

Описание к видео Baby Time at the Red Rili Shrimp Nursery! Pregnant Females and just hatched baby Neocaridina

Neocaridina Red Rili dwarf shrimp - When their eggs are about to hatch, mom shrimp congregate at the Lotus seed pod. Hundreds of babies hatch in this one spot on a monthly basis
.. but observing and/or recording an actual hatching is harder than you'd think!

Moms are about 1" long and carry their fertilized eggs under their body in their swim legs for nearly a month before they hatch. Each female can carry 20+ eggs each cycle. They flap their legs nearly the entire time to keep the eggs aerated.

The babies are about 3mm long upon hatching and are fully developed (though pale white initially). They swim off on their own almost immediately.


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