What is the Yoke of Matthew

Описание к видео What is the Yoke of Matthew

What is the Yoke of Matthew 11:28? This is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the Scriptures. However when we understand the Hebrew Biblical culture and background, behind the culture of a yoke, it all makes sense. This video will make this part of the Bible come alive to you.

The Hebrew rabbis had their own system of teaching or hermeneutics that would guide the Hebrews in understanding the Scriptures. It was called a yoke. So, the Passage is not an invitation to trust Christ as Savior or to get saved, but to become a disciple of Christ. You want to watch this video here to get the basic idea on what is a disciple and what is a rabbi.

   • Biblical Discipleship verses Lordship...  

If you don't know for sure that you're going to heaven, this video is not really for you. You want to watch the following video. See to go to heaven, you have to be perfect. No one is. So, there is only one Solution left. And that is Jesus Christ. He took your sin, your shame, your guilt, and your punishment. He died on the cross and rose from the dead. He said that if you trust Him as Savior, you will have eternal life as a free gift. Trust Him today. Watch this video below:

   • Assurance of Going to Heaven  

Kees Boer is a missionary in South America. He graduated from Florida Bible College in Hollywood, FL. His goal is to reach all of South America with the Gospel. He uses the T4T method to train new believers and develop them into disciples. Please, share this video with others and subscribe and hit the bell button if you want to watch these videos regularly. God bless you!!!

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