Nudgestock 2023 - Fighting the authority gap - Mary Ann Sieghart

Описание к видео Nudgestock 2023 - Fighting the authority gap - Mary Ann Sieghart

Current affairs guru, author and speaker, Mary Ann Sieghart will be sharing her insight and ideas on ways to tackle gender bias and how we can help women reach the top. Interviewed by Fiona Gordon, Ogilvy UK CEO.


Nudgestock is the world's biggest festival of behavioural science and creativity, where we inspire brands and people to impact the world.

Our theme this year is MESSY. That's because our heads are messy, our organisations are messy, and the world is messy. But where there's mess, there's opportunity to change behaviour.

The annual festival, curated by Ogilvy Consulting, features a wonderfully eclectic mix of talks and case studies from some of the leading thinkers and practitioners in the worlds of behavioral science, marketing and creativity.

Curated by Ogilvy Consulting.


About Ogilvy Consulting’s Behavioural Science Practice

At Ogilvy Consulting, we work to creatively apply behavioural science insights to solve the world's most pressing and interesting challenges.

A magical combination of science and creativity, we are a unique global team of psychologists and behavioural economists embedded within the Ogilvy network. We bring proprietary tools, proven experience, expert facilitation and the power of Ogilvy creativity to unlock the hidden 'psychological power' within our partners' brands and channels.

We create unseen opportunities that generate giant impact.


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