
Описание к видео 【稲刈りと江川米収穫祭PR】〜重要文化財江川邸で江川家の食卓を味わう〜



400 年前に建築された江川邸は国の重要文化財に指定され、敷地は韮山代官役所跡、江川文庫が持つ資史料群も重要文化財に指定されています。




Shizuoka Gastronomy Tourism

Rice Harvesting and Egawa Rice Harvest Festival
~Enjoy the cuisine of the Egawa family, the Izu Nirayama magistrate, at the Egawa Residence, an Important Cultural Property~

The Egawa Residence, built 400 years ago, is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan, and its site is the former Nirayama magistrate's office. The historical materials held by the Egawa Library are also designated as Important Cultural Properties.
The Egawa Residence is characterized by its large roof, the ceiling structure called rafters that are supported by thin beams, and the wide earthen floor underneath.
The Shoin, which is not open to the public, is an important room in the Egawa Residence for welcoming guests. From the Shoin, you can view the inner garden, which is only open to the public in spring and autumn. In this travel plan, you will have the opportunity to dine in the Shoin and taste re-created cuisine while feeling like a magistrate from the Edo period.
The Egawa Library contains approximately 100,000 historical documents. Among these, a recipe book for Egawa sake, a legendary sake, was discovered. Egawa Hidetatsu, the Nirayama magistrate, made various proposals to the shogunate to protect Japan during the isolationist period, such as the construction of a reverberatory furnace, battery, and Nirayama Academy. He is known as the "father of bread" for inventing bread for military rations, which was essential for modern armies. He also left behind a book of bread recipes that he had tried and tested, and we have reproduced Egawa sake and bread baked in the Edo period.
The Egawa family had offices in Edo and Nirayama as magistrates and direct retainers, living in both places, and recorded the menus of dishes served at annual events and weddings.
In this travel plan, you will taste dishes reproduced from records of the Edo period, Egawa sake, and reproduced bread arrangements in a shoin study.
The reproduced meals were prepared by Koshin Anji Goemon, and the reproduction of Egawa sake was made with the cooperation of Izu's only sake brewery, Mandai Brewery. Gruppe Ishiwata Foods has cooperated in the reproduction of the bread.

Izu Majo was asked to create a promotional video, so we decided to make one. We hope that everyone will learn about the charms of the Egawa Residence.


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