Task 19i Adding Shapes (Adding arrows, callout box etc.) to a slide

Описание к видео Task 19i Adding Shapes (Adding arrows, callout box etc.) to a slide

#ictactivelearner #0417ict
This channel will help you to learn about Cambridge IGCSE ICT 0417/P2/P3 contents.

Also learn about how to

Adding videos in a slide:    • Task 19g,h adding videos to presentation  

Cropping and resizing images:    • Task 19F Inserting, cropping, resizin...  

Adding presenter notes:    • Task 19E Adding Presenter Notes  

Change presentation Layout and Editing:    • Task 19d Presentation Layouts and Edi...  

Master slide and its features:    • Task 19C features of Master Slide  

How to start with an RTF file in presentation:    • Task 19a,b Opening an .RTF in Present...  

Add transition and animations:    • Task 19j,k Adding animations and tran...  


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