Visit Tuzla Canton: Dobro došli u Tuzlu | Welcome to Tuzla

Описание к видео Visit Tuzla Canton: Dobro došli u Tuzlu | Welcome to Tuzla

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Sve je u Tuzli vezano za so već deset miliona godina, još od nestanka Panonskog mora, koje je ispod Tuzle ostavilo najvažniji svoj dokaz postojanja, stotine miliona tona skamenjene soli. Ljudi žive na prostoru današnjeg grada još od neolitskog doba što Tuzlu čini jednim od najstarijih naseljenih mjesta u Evropi. Grad je kroz historiju promijenio nekoliko imena ali su sva na različitim jezicima značila isto: solana, so, grad soli. Od brojnih turističkih atrakcija, Tuzlu od drugih mjesta izdvajaja prekrasni kompleks Panonskih jezera koji u sebi osim slane vode sadrže i deset miliona godina staru historiju. Dobro došli u Tuzlanski kanton. Dobro došli u Tuzlu.


Everything in Tuzla has been linked to salt for ten million years, ever since the disappearance of the Pannonian Sea, which left the most important proof of its existence under Tuzla, hundreds of millions of tons of rock salt. People have been living in the area of today's city since the Neolithic era, which makes Tuzla one of the oldest inhabited places in Europe. The city changed several names throughout history, but they all had the same meaning in different languages: salt production factory, salt, city of salt.
Tuzla has numerous tourist attractions, but what sets it apart from other places is the beautiful complex of the Pannonian Lakes, which, in addition to salt water, also hold ten million years of history. Welcome to Tuzla Canton. Welcome to Tuzla.



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