CVJ CSA Tape Mod - Bass restored

Описание к видео CVJ CSA Tape Mod - Bass restored

I promise, I won't be tape modding everything but this one needed a boost in the lower regions. Out of the box, the house tuning is very bass lite which will work for those seeking clarity but it left me changing cables, tips, and ultimately micropore tape to elevate the bass.

With the tape applied over all of the holes, there is full amount of bass to balance out that bright (less bright with tape) high end. For those happy to see another non-V shape contender, sadly it takes on a V shape with tape. The tape modded CSA takes on a KZ ZSTX-like strong mid bass, still clear and a tad lean mids, and retained most of the boosted treble.

For me, this is a preferred alternative and really allows the dynamic driver to shine. There is a gem in there, just needed a little tape to pull it out.

Credit to the Audioreviews Modding guide on using tape:

Thank you to the IZ Pop store on Amazon for sending this out. Get one here along with a roll of tape:


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