Royal Welsh 1st Battalion vs Stormers

Описание к видео Royal Welsh 1st Battalion vs Stormers

Premiumship Cup Final 2024.✅✅⭐️⭐️⭐️
1Bn Royal Welsh won by 22 to 15.

Today we say vinaka vakalevu to the Almighty God fo the strengths and all the supporters of Royal Welsh Rugby. A Big vinaka vakalevu to Joni Nabulivou , After 24 years as a player and a coach his time in the army comes to an end today. What a better way for the club to send him off than winning the Army cup. From everyone in the Royal Welsh Rugby Club we wish you the very best for the future.

COACH: Joni Nabulivou
TRAINER: Tau n Josua Tabalala
MANAGER: Rokosake


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